Branding Your Resume – How to Create a Lasting Impression.

All this talk about the importance of branding your resume for your job search … what it really comes down to is name recognition. You want to set yourself apart so the hiring manager remembers your name and calls you for the interview. But how do you really know if you’ve created a personal brand…

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10 Reasons Why Brand-Driven Resumes Are Better

Brand-driven resumes

I’m convinced that resumes that are personally branded perform exponentially better than those that are not. And I’m hoping my top ten list will convince you to. You need a brand-driven resume that markets you to employers to stand out from other candidates. Here are ten reasons why brand-driven resumes are better. 1. They speak…

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Can the Words You Use on Your Resume Really Make That Big of a Difference?

You hear a lot of talk about using hard skills versus soft skills or using strong adjectives versus passive terminology on your resume, but can the words you choose really make that big of a difference?  Absolutely! The right word choice can be the difference between sounding like you are barely knowledgeable about something or…

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5 Key Areas to Target When Branding Your Resume

Customizing your resume for each position you apply to can be critical in today’s job search. It’s vitally important that your resume conveys that you are a perfect match for the job. When tailoring your resume to each specific position there are five key areas you want to remember to change: 1. Job Target/Title at…

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What Is Resume Rebranding and Why Is It Important to My Job Search?

Resume branding is a critical concept when developing an interview-worthy resume. It differentiates you from your competitors and truly highlights the unique value that you bring to employers. Rebranding your resume simply means that you’re taking your original, branded resume and you are tweaking it for each different position that you apply to so that…

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How to Incorporate Your Brand Into Your Resume

Writing a resume is not an easy task. There are always several aspects to consider, including which information to incorporate that can help yours stand out from the pack. Many job seekers have found that branding the resume makes a huge difference because it works well in defining candidates as major contributors to their field.…

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