
Personal Branding

The importance of personal branding to career growth

The Importance of Personal Branding to Career Growth Plus 12 Tips for Branding Success

January 31, 2017 /

Personal branding is a vital part of a successful job search. It can have long-term effects on your career path as well as your earning potential. I can’t emphasize enough to my clients the importance of positive personal branding. Before you can build your own personal brand, you must understand what it is and how…

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Powerful word for winning a resume

Optimizing Your Resume for the 10-Second Initial Review

April 28, 2014 /

Studies show that hiring managers spend an average of ten seconds looking at a resume before deciding whether to keep going or move on to the next candidate. That’s right, only ten seconds! That says a lot about the job market today and the number of applicants for great positions, but it also says a…

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Writing a LinkedIn Profile That Leads to an Exciting Job Offer in 30 Days or Less

November 25, 2013 /

This past week we had a client who received an exciting new job offer from a company that found him on LinkedIn using a LinkedIn profile we had written for him. We’ll call him Joe Smith. Within two weeks of using his LinkedIn profile, Joe was found by an employer and received a great job…

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how to write a captivating linkedin profile headline

How to Write a Captivating LinkedIn Profile Headline

November 20, 2013 /

Contrary to popular job searching advice, the LinkedIn headline section is not the place to announce your availability for employment. Informing visitors to your profile that you’re seeking new opportunities or are unemployed and looking (yes, I’ve seen this many times) doesn’t attract the career leads you might think it would. It’s the same theory…

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Branding Your Resume – How to Create a Lasting Impression.

August 29, 2013 /

All this talk about the importance of branding your resume for your job search … what it really comes down to is name recognition. You want to set yourself apart so the hiring manager remembers your name and calls you for the interview. But how do you really know if you’ve created a personal brand…

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Brand-driven resumes

10 Reasons Why Brand-Driven Resumes Are Better

August 21, 2013 /

I’m convinced that resumes that are personally branded perform exponentially better than those that are not. And I’m hoping my top ten list will convince you to. You need a brand-driven resume that markets you to employers to stand out from other candidates. Here are ten reasons why brand-driven resumes are better. 1. They speak…

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